Healthy Foods: Healthy Snacks for Work - Fit and Flex Granola


What are the Best Snacks to have at Work?

We all love to eat nutritious snacks during the workday, as it can help us stay energized and productive. Coming up with ideas for snacks that are easy to prepare, healthy, and portable on a daily basis can be difficult. So, here are a few simple and healthy snacks that you can eat at work:

    Nuts and dried fruit

Nuts and dry fruits do make for healthy and non-perishable snacks. This combo does give a fullfiling and good balance of all three macronutrients with healthy fats and protein from the nuts and carbs from the dry fruit. They are also loaded with fiber that can help keep full in between meals.

    Brown rice cakes and avocado

Brown rice cakes are an amazing, shelf-stable snack for office. One brown rice cake also provides 14 grams of carbs and 4% of the Daily Value of fiber for only 60 calories.

Avocados are also high in healthy fats and fiber. Slicing and spreading this fruit on a rice cake makes a satisfying snack. Make sure that you look for rice cakes that are made with only rice & salt and don’t have any unnecessary ingredients.

    Roasted chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are known as a non-perishable snack that is high in protein, fiber, and several vitamins & minerals. A 1/2 cup of chickpeas has 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. They also contain amino acids as per your body needs, so the protein is considered to be of higher quality than legumes.

Some research has also shown that eating roasted chickpeas can even help to improve feelings of fullness and aid in weight loss.

If you want to make roasted chickpeas, first drain wash the chickpeas and pat dry. Then toss them in olive oil, sea salt, and seasonings of your choice. Later, bake them on a lined baking sheet for 40 minutes.

    Homemade granola

Granola can make you an amazing quick snack at your workplace. Most store-bought varieties are high in added sugars and contain unhealthy vegetable oils which can increase inflammation in your body.

You can combine rolled oats, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and cashews in a mixture of melted coconut oil and honey. You can spread the mix out on a lined baking sheet then bake for about 40 minutes at low heat.

You can even make granola chocolate by sprinkling some chocolate on top of it. This granola snack is wholesome, balanced, and rich in complex carbs, fiber, and healthy fats. In addition to that, the soluble fiber in oats can also help to lower the cholesterol level and improve heart health.


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