Best Breakfasts for Weight Loss - Fit and Flex Granola

Best Healthy Breakfast For Weight Loss Foods - Fit and Flex Granola

If you’re trying to lose weight, then a healthy breakfast can set the tone for your rest of the day. Consuming unhealthy food can amplify your cravings and set you up for failure even before the day begins. On the other hand, eating the right food can also curb your cravings and keep you feeling full until lunch time by minimizing snacking.

So, here are a few breakfast foods that can help you to lose weight:

Granola is the most popular breakfast cereal all over the world. You might have heard about comparing granola vs muesli for weight loss as they both have equal benefits in losing weight.
Granola is made up of various healthy ingredients, but some recipes vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Generally, it consists of rolled oats, whole grains, dry fruits, nuts, seeds, and some honey for added sweetness. It can be enjoyed with milk, served with yogurt, added to smoothies, or even turned into healthy bars and snacks.
Granola is high in calories, even though it is considered very useful food for weight loss. It is because granola contains fiber that keeps you feeling full which in turn helps you to consume less calories.

When you are planning to change your diet for weight loss, then the first change in your diet plan should be done by switching to a bowl of healthy breakfast like muesli.
Muesli is known for its good source of fibers which will keep your digestive system healthy. It will also help in reducing bad cholesterol that will make your heart healthy and reduce any heart-related diseases.
Muesli is also a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, making your immune system much stronger.

Muesli vs. Granola
There is not much difference between the nutritional value of the two healthy breakfasts. The main difference is that granola is a mixture of healthy grains and nuts which has been baked after adding sweeteners and oil while muesli is unbaked.

Wheat Germ
Wheat germ is known as a wheat kernel component that contains a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals, including thiamine, manganese, and selenium. It is also high in fiber.
Some studies show that increasing your fiber intake from cereal grains can benefit in weight loss. You can use wheat germ as a topping for oatmeal, smoothies, or yogurt bowls to add crunch and even extra fiber to your breakfast.

As we all know, bananas are high are fiber and low in calories, and are a great alternative if you want to skip sugary breakfast cereals and satisfy your sweet tooth. One banana has over 100 calories yet three grams of dietary fiber.
Fiber can help slow the emptying of your stomach and curb cravings. Bananas are also a good source of resistant starch. It is a type of starch that your stomach and small intestine are unable to digest. Some research suggests that resistant starch also helps to reduce food intake and decrease belly fat.

It is said that flaxseeds are loaded with sticky fiber, a type of soluble fiber that helps absorb water to form a gel in your gut. According to some studies, soluble fiber is effective in slowing digestion that can help in decreasing appetite and also lower calorie intake to aid weight loss.
A study also found that consuming a drink made with flax seeds reduces appetite and increases the feeling of fullness.

Nuts can provide a perfect balance of fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fats which makes them a worthy addition to a breakfast meal. A study found that by consuming almonds, people have lost 62% more weight and 56% more body fat than complex carbs.
You can serve nuts into yogurt, cottage cheese, or even in homemade granola to bring your breakfast to the next level in terms of nutrition.


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